Dark Parables The Red Riding Hood Sisters


Dark Parables is a casual game series developed by Blue Tea Games and distributed by Big Fish Games. The series features ‘Hidden Object’ scenes where, in order to progress through a game, the player must find all the pieces that make up a certain item to be used as a ’cause and effect’ in another area of the game. Every game in the series is based around a different fairy tale, with some overlap between games.

Dark Parables
There have been five games in the Dark Parables series to date

Part 1 – Curse of the Briar Rose

Dark Parables: Curse of the Briar Rose is the first installment in the Dark Parables franchise and was released on March 11, 2010. Set in Edinburgh, Scotland, the player takes on the role of a detective to investigate and discover the true tale of the real Sleeping Beauty, and save her from the ghost of the evil sorceress who originally cursed her.[3]

The bonus gameplay in this game is titled “The Spinning Room” and serves as a further teaser for the following game, The Exiled Prince, by introducing the fact that Princess Briar Rose had a sister named Princess Ivy, (who, in The Exiled Prince, is James the Frog Prince’s first and one true love).
Part 2 – The Exiled Prince

Dark Parables: The Exiled Prince is the second installment in the Dark Parables franchise and was released on February 25, 2011. Set in Black Forest, Germany, the player as the detective is sent to investigate the tale of The Frog Prince after the disappearance of the chancellor’s daughter. It is revealed the fabled prince is still alive, cursed with Immortality, and now roams the deserted path in the forest, capturing unsuspecting visitors trying to find a solution to his curse.[4]

The bonus gameplay in this game is titled “The Frozen Lair” and was a teaser for the following game, Rise of the Snow Queen.
Part 3 – Rise of the Snow Queen

Dark Parables: Rise of the Snow Queen is the third installment in the Dark Parables franchise and was released on December 2, 2011. Set in the Bernese Alps, Switzerland, the player as the detective must journey into the mythical Snowfall Kingdom and investigate the disappearance of several children. The legendary Snow Queen (actually Snow White, cursed by her stepmother’s mirror) has risen and has been terrorizing nearby villages with her supernatural powers. The player must rescue the missing children and put a stop to the fabled queen’s evil plan.[5]

The bonus gameplay in this game is based on the tale “Hansel and Gretel”, revealing the origin of “the Golden Child” seen in Rise of the Snow Queen.
Part 4 – The Red Riding Hood Sisters

Dark Parables: The Red Riding Hood Sisters is the fourth installment in the Dark Parables franchise and was released in September 21, 2012. Set in the Vosges Mountains, Eastern France, the player as the detective returns to defeat the fabled Wolf Queen. Centuries ago, the first Red Riding Hood, after being saved from the wolf by a hunter, established what came to be known as the Order of Red Riding Hood Sisters. But now, the nefarious Wolf Queen has entrapped the sisters and plans to unleash legions of ravaging Mist Wolves onto our world by fixing it so that it is always the night of the Full moon. The player must assist the Red Riding Hood Sisters to put an end to the queen’s evil plan.[6] The end of the credits also reveals that the next installment, called The Final Cinderella, will feature Cinderella.

The bonus gameplay in this game is based on the fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”, telling the backstory of how the Mist Kingdom became over run by the Mist Wolves.
Part 5 – The Final Cinderella

Dark Parables: The Final Cinderella is the fifth installment in the Dark Parables franchise, and was released in May 2013. Set in the Matese mountains of southern Italy. For decades, a mysterious witch, known as “Godmother”, has been hunting maidens, in search of the legendary “Cinderella”; a pure-hearted maiden. Play as the fabled detective, venture into the mirror world to rescue this Final Cinderella alongside Pinocchio, from the evil Godmother’s clutches, and stop her evil plans to steal the girl’s pure soul! After the end credits, it reveals that the next installment will center around “Jack and the Beanstalk”.

The bonus gameplay is called “The Oriental Cinderella”. It tells the story of a Chinese Princess, Shan, a “Cinderella”, who was turned into a nine-tailed fox by the Spider Witch, who is in fact her evil stepsister Chi. The player, as the prince, goes on a quest to save Shan, with the help of Godmother (before she turned evil).