Dragon Age “Keep” Sign Up For The Beta



Dragon Age Keep FAQ

What is the Dragon Age Keep?

Within the Dragon Age Keep, you’ll be able to customize a Dragon Age historical world state to your exact specifications drawn from Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II story decisions. These include hero attributes, companion details, quest results, and more. Customize as much or as little as you wish. Then you’ll be able to import your saved world state into Dragon Age Inquisition at the start of a new game. For new players, the Keep will serve as a great way to understand the people, places, and events that shaped the world leading up to DAI.

What is a beta?

Beta is a period of time before a website’s official launch where selected applicants are invited to preview features in advance of the general public. At the beginning of a beta period, invitations will be sent via email to selected beta testers. Each beta period will have a clear focus, as our developers will be looking for feedback on particular features and site elements.

How do I register for the beta?

You can register for the beta by visiting the Dragon Age Keep website and filling out a survey. You’ll need a valid EA/Origin account to sign in. If you have played one of our PC or console games online, you need to log in with the email address associated with your EA/Origin Account. If you don’t have an EA/Origin account, you can create one on the BioWare Social Network.

When does the beta start?

The first beta will begin early in 2014 and we will send invitations once we’re ready to start. Invitations will arrive through the email address associated to your EA/Origin account. Additionally, we’ll post notifications on our website and social media channels when new batches of invitations get sent out.

How many beta invitations will be sent?

At first, we’ll start with a small group of testers. As we approach our launch date, we’ll invite more and more people to help us gather additional feedback and stress test our systems.

How are beta testers selected?

We’ll select beta participants based on the features and functionality on which we need feedback, and match that against the information you provided from your survey answers. For example, if you identify yourself at an expert skill level in our games, we may ask you for different types of feedback than someone at a novice level. If you’re selected to participate, you’ll receive an invitation through the email address associated to your EA/Origin account. You’ll be able to log in to the Keep as soon as you receive your invite.

What’s expected of me as a beta tester?

Your invitation will contain details about the area of focus you’ll be testing within the Keep. Your feedback will be collected through surveys and bug reports.

How do I stay safe against phishing?

As the Dragon Age Keep beta program grows and becomes more popular, it’s possible that scam artists will attempt to trick users into giving up their personal information. “Phishing” is the practice of tricking users out of their account info and passwords for malicious purposes. Phishing scams typically work by fooling people into thinking they are putting information into a legitimate website, when in fact they are providing info to another party. Avoid such scams by being vigilant against links and emails addresses that are not part of the official dragonagekeep.com domain. Never click links in emails asking for account information or claiming your account has been compromised. Be cautious when sharing your data with anyone, from your ID or gamer handle, to screenshots that show details of your account. Be sure to visit dragonagekeep.com for official announcements and information.