Building your own computer is generally reserved for the hardcore, the devoted, the geeky. But with Razer’s Project Christine, it’s as easy as playing with Legos. Really big, actively mineral cooled Legos. Also it looks like a badass rack of rockets or something, which is cool as shit.
Project Christine is, at its most simple, a modular desktop PC. So are most desktop PC’s but Razer’s execution is simple, pretty, and just all around awesome. Basically, the tower’s spine contains all the PCI slots, and each different oval-ish bar coming off of it is its own component. Video cards, SSDs, CPUs, whathaveyou. They’re all mix and match with a few simple snaps.
But snapping in the modules doesn’t just automatically integrate the parts into the computer. No no. Each module is set up to utilize active mineral oil cooling, so when you plug it in, your coolant solution is automatically taken care of. Not only does that mean this bad boy is whisper quiet, but it also means the component hidden in each model can be factory overclocked by default, for extra performance.
The benefits of such a system are more than just ease of use and upgradability (which is, admittedly a huge feature). If there was a healthy crop of module components out there, this form factor opens up options to all sorts of weird and unusual approaches to desktop gaming. Netflix for video cards? Sure, why not.
But as exciting as this future is to imagine, it won’t be here for a while if ever. Razer isn’t making Project Christine right now, just gauging interest. And if it gets made you can bet it will be mind bogglingly expensive. That’s also not to mention the difficultly of getting graphics card makers and other folks to start producing special “Project Christine” modules based on the reference designs. There are a lot of potential complications
But even if it never comes, these are the kind of crazy designs the PC gaming industry needs to keep itself fresh and to continue to stave off those console peasants. Between stuff like Project Christine and the army of Steam Boxes out there, there’s plenty to get excited about. Let’s just hope it all pays off.