Dota 2 6.88 Update – Patch notes

This is meant to be a “balancing update” hmmmm ok sure. Here are the details: HEROES Abaddon * Mist Coil cast point reduced from 0.452 to 0.35 Anti-Mage * Mana Void ministun duration increased from 0.15 to 0.3 Arc Warden * Flux cooldown reduced from 20 to 18 * Tempest Double duration increased from 12/13/14 to […]
Dota 2 South Africa – Matchmaking is broken

As an avid Dota player I feel it is now necessary to make some noise about our recent server issues. Most of us pub gamers have experienced this in the last few days, weeks and perhaps even months. You are searching for a match then the timer resets. This continues on for anywhere between 10 […]
Dota 2: The balance of power update 6.86

Bringing Arc Warden, map changes, hero buffs and debuffs, new items and gazillion of other game changing updates. Check out all the facts right here. Added Arcane Rune Creep bounty increases by 1 gold per normal upgrade cycle [?] Siege damage against heroes increased from 75% to 85% [?] Hero base HP increased […]
Dota 2 – Various Pathfinding Fixes
Posted on March 6, 2015 Today we fixed a subtle pathfinding bug that had been in the game for a while. We get many reports of issues in the game, and the trickiest ones are the reports of subtle, often fleeting timing issues that result in incorrect hero or spell behavior. The bug we fixed […]
The Dota 2 International 2015 is set for August in Seattle

We’re only just over a week into the new year and Valve have scheduled this year’s Dota 2 International tournament, in an announcement over on their blog. The next tournament’s Main Event is to take place Seattle again (probably at KeyArena like last year), and will include 16 teams battling it out over 6 days […]
Dota 2 Console Commands
To set console mode 1) In steam, right cilck on “Dota 2” and click on properties 2) Click on Set Launcher Options and type in: -console 3) Press OK and enter the game, to remove the console from view press the ` key. ~
Dota 2 – Three Spirits Update

Coaching Crafting & Socketing Showcase View New Items Update Notes. We are all familiar with the Dota 2 hero Storm Spirit, now we welcome two more spirit kin to the hero select screen.
Dota 2 – The First Blood Update
Dota 2 – The First Blood Update – Introducing local play, captains draft, and the improved armory. Local Play Engage in close quarters combat with nine of your nearest friends. Now you can create a local lobby and use your computer to host a rousing round of Dota 2 through your home or café network.