Gaming News and Reviews

Fallout 4 Cheats and Console Commands
Fallout 4 Cheat Codes While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Note: You may first need to change your keyboard layout to “US” to use this function. Then, type one of

Fallout 4: the easiest way to get the X-01 Power Armour
Here’s a location guaranteed to get the X-01 Power Armour Power Armour in Fallout 4 is handed to the player a lot more quickly than any previous Fallout game.

Grand Theft Auto V +14 Trainer – LinGon
Cheating and GTA go together like Batman and Robin so don’t feel guilty about wanting to use this. Cheats Included: Infinite Health Infinite Oxygen Infinite Stamina Infinite Ammo No Reload Set Money Super Speed Never

GTA 5 – Errors, Bugs, Fixes and Tweaks for all current issues (updated Daily)
Updated: 15/04/2015 Issue 1: GTA 5 Social Club Launcher Issues Some players are reporting issues with the GTA 5 launcher failing to initialize. Rockstar has recomended to players to uninstall the launcher and reinstall it.

GTA V For PC Will Be A Monster 65GB Download
65 Gigs brah. Hope you guys are not on a 2mb South African internet connection like I am. Rockstar Games has updated its store page for the upcoming Grand Theft Auto V PC version, stating